War Eagle Football: Offensive line building from the ground up

Published 9:37 am Tuesday, August 20, 2024

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By Brian Pitts

Sports Editor

Last year Davie entered the season with four returning starters on the offensive line. This year it’s the complete opposite. Davie is building from the ground up with one returning starter.

It has work to do to replace the foursome of Evan Froelich, Evan Copeland, Kevin Lazaro and Jalen Alexander.

While the War Eagles desperately need inexperienced varsity players to step up, no one doubts their prowess at center. Senior Ryder Strickland, a third-year varsity starter and two-time all-conference selection, is a battle-tested vet.

“Ryder’s the leader, he’s the caller, he knows what’s going on,” coach Tim Devericks said of the unit’s lone senior. “You talk about somebody who would carry the flag for Davie County, Ryder is one of those kind of guys.”

O-line coach Spencer Pasciolla said: “He’s just made awesome development. He’s a really good kid and he’s been a blast to coach. He’s certainly gotten better every year, and when he’s already as good as he is, it’s impressive for him to keep making all that progress. He’s also done a good job of becoming an extra coach for some of the younger guys.”

Junior Xavier Parker, who played defensive line last year, has made a major splash at left guard.

“I appreciate him having the attitude to want to help the team out,” Pasciolla said. “Xavier is a people-mover, he’s got a lot of strength and he’s taken the coaching on the fly really well.”

Devericks and offensive coordinator Matt Gould marveled at Parker’s smooth transition from defense to offense.

“He looks like he’s been playing OL his whole life,” Gould said.

“This has been a huge change for our team,” Devericks said. “Man, this kid is really blossoming. Left guard has fit him to a T. He’s been really physical, he’s made some vertical movement in the run game, and you’re not going to outwork Xavier Parker. Drill to drill, he’s running. Every team rep that he takes is at 110 percent.”

Are two sophomores up to the task on the right side of the line? While right guard Ahmad McGee and right tackle David Hicks will face learning curves, they do seem promising.

“(Hicks and McGee) have the size and ability, they’ve just got to grow up and step into their role,” Gould said.

“Ahmad and David are sophomores and they’ve already got great frames,” Pasciolla said. “They’re just going to have to be consistent and show up every day. If they do that, the potential that they have is to be really, really good offensive linemen.”

The other gap that has to be filled is at left tackle. Juniors Eli Waddell and Ryan Williams are battling for that job.

“We moved Eli from defense,” Gould said. “He’s getting there. He’s growing and working and getting better. He’s just still learning the position.”

Also fighting for playing time are juniors Colt Ratliff and Maddox Creason.

“Colt can back up a guard,” Devericks said. “Maddox  can back up the tackles or pretty much anywhere on the offensive line. Maddox is one of those guys who is intelligently gifted and can handle the different responsibilities of each one of those.”