Cana/Pino: Wesley Chapel breakfast May 20
Published 2:22 pm Sunday, May 14, 2023
Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
By Betty Etchison West
Cana/Pino Correspondent
Breakfast will be served at the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall oon Saturday, May 20, from 6:30-10 a.m. The menu will be country ham, sausage, scrambled eggs, grits, red-eye gravy, sawmill gravy, homemade biscuits, baked apples, jelly, coffee, and juice. If you have never been to a Wesley Chapel breakfast, come and enjoy all you can eat. No set charge, donations only. Wesley Chapel is three miles west of Farmington, just off NC 801 N. on Pino Road.
The Wesley Chapel Women of Faith held their monthly meeting on the second Tuesday. The minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer’s report were given by Lisa West.
The program was presented by Kathy Ellis.
Refreshments were servedg. All Women of Faith, not just Methodists, are invited to the Wesley Chapel Women of Faith meetings at 1 p.m. the second Tuesday each month.
Homecoming at Wesley Chapel will be on Sunday, June 4. Pastor Arnold Gosnell will deliver the sermon during the worship service which at 11 a.m. That will be the last service that Pastor Gosnell will hold at Wesley Chapel because he will be moving to a new assignment in East Bend. We appreciate so much all Pastor Arnold has done for Wesley Chapel and its members, and we wish him and his family well as he begins his work in East Bend. We hope all Wesley Chapel members, former members, and friends will attend to help say good-bye to the man who has meant so much to so many.
The Wesley Chapel Women of Faith still have a few bags of nuts left, with the emphasis being on few, and they are selling for $10 per bag. The remaining nuts will be on sale at the May breakfast.
The Bible Study which has included people from the Farmington and Wesley Chapel Methodist churches will continue at Farmington with the last class being held on Monday, June 5.
Wesley Chapel people are looking forward to having Rev. Randolph (Randy) Perdue as their new pastor. He is coming highly recommended from the Harmony Grove and Sharon Charge in Lewisville. Wesley Chapel will be on a charge with Union Methodist Church in Lewisville.
Kathy and Bob Ellis had dinner with her son, Ethan, and his family last weekend in honor of the birthday of Ethan’s wife, Allie. Also present were Ethan and Allie’s sons, Reid and Luke.
Jayden Ellis is spending time during his school break with Kathy and Bob Ellis. Jayden lives in Raleigh and goes to year-round-school which has a break after each grading period.
Betty Etchison West spent several days recently with her sister-in-law, Rachel Etchison, near Siler City. Rachel is the widow of Betty’s brother, John Etchison, who died Aug. 19, 2021. We had a fine time sitting in the recliners talking about everything and about nothing. I still miss my brother, who was 6 years younger, but was glad to spend time visiting with Rachel, who still lives in the home outside of Siler City.