Dahlia growing tips presented
Published 9:13 am Thursday, March 24, 2022
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Mocksville Garden Club has been rotating the meeting location. Check the newspaper, Facebook, or call to make sure you go to the right location.
The April meeting will be at the Davie County Library at 7 p.m. A program on soil testing is being presented by the Davie Home Extension.
The club will hold its Spring plant sale on May 3 at the Farmer’s Market in Mocksville to raise money for the scholarship fund.
The club gives a $1,500 scholarship to a deserving student. If you know a college or community school-bound student, pass the word. The web site for the scholarship application and details is at https://dchs.godavie.org/student-services/scholarships. Applications are due May 1.
On March 3, the club met at the First Presbyterian in Mocksville. President Allison Wiedeman welcomed everyone and Margaret Jo Brock read an inspiration on wrens.
The program was presented by Jimmy Speas from the NC Central Dahlia Society. Speas gave a detailed and interesting presentation on Dahlias. He and his wife have grown dahlias and roses since 1993. Speas covered the planting and caring for Dahlias. He suggested purchasing Dahlias from Swan Island Dahlias in Canby, Ore., 800-410-6540. The dahlias are available now for spring planting.
The local Central Carolina Dahlia Society will have its first sale May 14 with about seven vendors at the Home & Garden building of the W-S fairgrounds.
Refreshments were provided by Lillian Sharpe and Judy Hinkley. Margaret Jo Brock provided the door prize which was won by member Judy Rosser.
The public is invited to all meetings. Contact Allison Wiedeman at 410-858-6846.