Dragstrip Supporters Tout Economic Benefits
Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 19, 2011
By Mike Barnhardt
Enterprise Record
The Farmington Dragway opened in the early 1960s – before many of the people who complain about the current Farmington Motorsports Park moved here.
Grady McClamrock Jr., a local attorney representing park owners, told county commissioners earlier this month that the dragway is a vital link in the economy and recreation of Davie County.
“A couple of people like to take pot shots at our dragstrip,” McClamrock said. “The sport has grown and our dragstrip has grown. We have a major industry and a major economic benefit to our county.”
“One or two people are doing most of the complaining. Those people are determined to shut this place down,” he said. “They moved in knowing the dragstrip was there. Shutting down a viable industry is not the way to handle it.
“That track provides good, clean quality entertainment with a financial benefit to our community.”
He compared the site to Davie High School being adjacent to a …