
Editorial: Some quotes for Memorial Day

As you go to those first swimming pool parties and backyard cookouts this weekend, take time to remember. ...


Letter to the editor: Library board appointment appears suspicious

To the editor: As a Davie County resident and current PFLAG Salisbury Rowan chapter vice president, I have ...


Mental Health Talk: Peer support can be essential

Following are some personal reflections of Melissa Wells, who has transitioned through the mental health system to become ...


Editorial: ‘Old friends, they shine like diamonds’

An old friend called on Monday. He’s the kind of guy who after talking with him a few ...


Editorial: And it’s ‘Up Against the Wall,’ editor’s mother

M is for the Mileage, she put on that old Chevrolet Up and down the roads, at all ...


Letter to the Editor: Article help spread awareness about MS

To the editor: Thank you for the great article last week about Multiple Sclerosis and our Walk for ...


Editorial: ‘Queen of My Double Wide Trailer’ almost got me lynched

Someone told me the other day I should write something funny. Haven’t they heard? Funny ain’t cool no ...


Editorial: Get out of the house and go hear some live music

Get out of the house this weekend and go hear some live music. MerleFest is going on. From ...


Editorial: Aunt Annie, an original female scientist; and renegade bicycle gang

Meeting one of the dozen or so neighborhood “moms” we all had while growing up brought back some ...


Letter to the editor: When is enough going to be enough?

To the editor: We are seeing massacres in plain sight: trees, undergrowth, entire landscapes and the fauna habitats ...

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