Latest Lifestyle


The Literary Corner: Renegade Writer’s Guild

Season of Thanksgiving By: E. Bishop The moral teachings of Thanksgiving hopefully given out by many parents and ...


Sheffield-Calahaln: Family of 11 to present Christmas concert

By Brenda Bailey Sheffield-Calahaln Correspondent As we enter the holiday season, let’s remember all we have to be ...


The Literary Corner: Renegade Writer’s Guild

No, Thank You By Julie Terry Cartner I had sushi for lunch today, and as usual, I was ...


Sheffield-Calahaln: Music, nativity and open house, Christmas must be on the way

By Brenda Bailey Sheffield-Calahaln Correspondent Birthday wishes to: Kathy Ellis on Nov. 24; Andrew Sherrill, Amanda Keller and ...


County Line: Society men to deliver Thanksgiving meals on Saturday

By Shirley Thorne County Line Correspondent The last local church homecoming for this year was the first week ...


The Literary Corner: Renegade Writer’s Guild

The Daguerreotype By Linda Barnette It all began many years ago when my grandmother, Blanche Dwiggins Smith, gave ...


County Line: Folks come together for benefit festival

By Shirley Thorne County Line Correspondent Salem Methodist folks thank everyone for supporting their fall festival fundraiser, which ...


Sheffield-Calahaln: Ijames Baptist members deliver supplies to mountain community

By Brenda Bailey Sheffield-Calahaln Correspondent Birthday wishes to: Jerry Keller on Nov. 15; Judy Fay on Nov. 18; ...


The Literary Corner: Renegade Writer’s Guild

Observations By Gaye Hoots Last week I went to Pamlico County courthouse for early voting and waited about ...


Sheffield-Calahaln: Homecoming Sunday at Community Covenant

By Brenda Bailey Sheffield-Calahaln Correspondent Birthday wishes to: Cindy Reeves, Skyler Wilson and Moran Thutt on Nov. 8; ...

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