
The Unanimous Declaration Of The 13 United States Of America

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands ...


Moms Help Birds Protect Their Nests

Mothers of all stripes help each other. That’s why no black snake is going to eat a nest ...


Beautiful Weed On Road to Beach

Traveling U.S. 220 through Richmond County these days, motorists can’t help noticing the tall flowers. Yellow flowering weeds ...


Bluebird Visitors Leave Disappointed

For two years the fancy bluebird house had sat empty except for an occasional earwig convention. On Saturday, ...


College Hijinks Have Resurfaced

“Be sure your sins will find you out.” Numbers 32:23 A full 39 years later, a Western Carolina ...


Before the Storm, Moore, OK, Was A Delightful Place

Moore, OK, is a next-four-exits town on I-35 just north of the University of Oklahoma with lots of ...


Raleigh Butts Into High School Building Debate

Raleigh to the rescue? Until last week, the idea had seemed absurd — the N.C. General Assembly deciding ...


Geronimo Pilgrimage Loses To Cowboys

Forgive me, Geronimo. I’ve sided with the cowboys. Our four-year Oklahoma adventure is now over. Son Robert returns ...


Wedding Jitters, Marriage Advice

The most nervous people at a wedding are the parents of the ring bearer and flower girl. Not ...


‘Rescue Irises’ Now Dazzle With Colors

Like a racehorse at the gate, the blue beauty leapt up overnight, desperate to be seen as the ...

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