
Gone Too Soon, Sports Editor Ronnie Gallagher

Information can spread faster than lightning these days, but it took a while for what I was reading ...


Virginia Hensley’s School Honors Patsy’s Early Years

People use different yardsticks to measure a school’s quality. Some put a lot of weight on test scores. ...


Mother Turns Poetic At Start Of School

Who knew mothers could look forward to the first day of school with this kind of enthusiasm? Brandi ...


Charlotte Traffic: Rush Hour Seems To Last Forever

High-tailing it through Charlotte on Interstate 77 as rush hour approached, I prematurely congratulated myself on dodging the ...


Charlotte Traffic: Rush Hour Seems To Last Forever

High-tailing it through Charlotte on Interstate 77 as rush hour approached, I prematurely congratulated myself on dodging the ...


First Hints Of Fall As Leaves Begin To Turn Yellow

Brown and yellow leaves falling from the trees means … The first hint of autumn’s approach? Several of ...


Bridge Protesters Practice Sacred American Right

Is this a great country, or what? On Tuesday morning, a dozen or so grandmother and grandfather types ...


Sitting In Traffic

Sitting in traffic Sunday at Bermuda Run, I finally started timing the number of vehicles funneling off Interstate ...


Five Kittens Escape L-C Rd. For Quiet Davie

Five black and white kittens will never grasp how hard a host of people worked to rescue them ...


July Rains Make Happy Corn Farmers

Those men wearing the broad smiles and looking at new car advertisements are corn farmers — the happiest ...

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