County Line: Remembering those big snows in March 1960

Published 12:45 pm Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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By Shirley Thorne
County Line Correspondent

Our community has been enjoying the beautiful warm days with which the Lord has blessed us.
The warm March 2025 has been different from March 1960. That was the year we had deep snows the first three Wednesdays in March followed by single-digit temps at night. I was a freshman at Cool Spring High. For me, the eerie part was that each Wednesday it began snowing about 9:30 a.m., by 9:50 a.m. the ground was covered, and Principal Madison said on the intercom, “Students go to your buses. School is being dismissed.”
Friends Jo and Diane used a piece of old linoleum as a sled. I used the lid of an old wringer washer. I built three huge snowmen and a snow block wall.
There were also sad times as many folks had water pipes to freeze and burst. Neighbors helped each other when needed. Neighbors Roy and Clara West and son Billy had just added baby Terry to their family that January. As they were returning home from Sunday night church service, Clara fell and broke her wrist. Fortunately she had just given baby Terry to Roy to carry or we might not have had baby Terry to hold after that.
Upcoming events: United Christian Building Team breakfast fundraiser sponsored by Clarksbury Methodist from 6-10 a.m. Saturday, March 29; special singing at Clarksbury featuring Eddie and Pat St. Claire of Rutherford County at 11 a.m. worship Sunday, March 30, followed by dinner; and V-Point Ruritan country breakfast 7-10 a.m. Saturday, April 5.
Our community sends get-well wishes to Marlene Hutchens, who fell last week and broke her elbow.
Donnie Keller slowly continues to improve but remains in Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. The infection in his amputated leg must heal before the doctor can begin skin grafting. Then Donnie can begin rehabilitation.
Caleb Williams continues to go to Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center for regular blood checks and to Duke University Medical Center for scans as needed. With a weakened immune system, he must limit his physical interaction with others.
Join us in prayer for the Lord’s divine healing and blessings upon Marlene, Donnie, Caleb, and other residents who are having health problems. Continue to pray for the many residents who have the flu and respiratory viruses as the number of such viruses and deaths continue to increase in our state.
For news and memories to share, please call or text Shirley on 336-492-5115 or email