Letter to the Editor: ‘Hope’ remains optimistic

Published 9:59 am Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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To the editor:
Hope, our young heroine, laughed loudly while driving on I-40 past the eyesore tractor trailer that proudly proclaimed “Trump County.”
“Why,” Hope wondered, “would anyone want to besmirch citizens of a whole county as incapable of seeing through the wicked con played by the Orange One for the past eight years? The exhausting constant toxic deluge of cruelty, hatred, malice, threats of violence, and vulgarity from that humbug and his sycophants clearly mark the charlatan’s Magaette movement as dangerous to any sane world. And the thousands of painfully obvious lies and lies about the lies. Such as . . .
“That socialist-Marxist-Trotskyite-communist-godless democrats will flood your neighborhoods with millions of black aliens to seize your guns, take your jobs and homes, change your kids’ genders while they’re at school, replace your vote, kill you every time you go out to shop, and eat your pets. The Orange One condemns these mythical non-whites as criminals, killers, and mental patients. Humanity does not belong to them.
“That during natural disasters in Magaette states – created by the federal government seeding storm clouds – victims who support the Orange One can expect only $750 per person in preparation for democrats’ secret plan to seize all the ‘red’ victims’ property after giving the monies earmarked for such tragedies to those aliens. Rather than practically help communities overwhelmed by winds and waters, apparently it’s better to criminally exploit long-term tragedies for temporary political leverage. The truth of climate change does not belong to them.
“That pregnant women automatically become instruments of production controlled by male-dominated state legislatures untrained in science and blinded by ancient standards. Their bodies do not belong to them.
“That offensive books corrupt the young who come into contact with them, even if never read books. Their minds do not belong to them. (Ironically, if the Orange One’s reprobate life were a printed book on the shelves of the local library, self-appointed puritan censors determined to ban all challenging books would immediately demand it removed and, perhaps inspired by the 1930s, burned publicly.)
“That the Orange One’s insurrection in Washington, DC on Jan. 6, 2020 was ‘a day of love’ rather than the most violent domestic attack on our constitution since the Civil War. The promise of a peaceful transition of power, even with a clear winner, does not belong to them.
“That only the Orange One can solve the problems of ordinary people by lowering taxes on his rich friends, raising tariffs on all goods (which unfortunately will burden those poorer folks by thousands of dollars each), rounding up and tossing all ‘illegal aliens’ (modeled on the fascist concentration camps of the 1930s), and providing greater freedom and security by siccing our military on his many opponents. These lies mask the three reasons why this convicted criminal seeks high office again: to enrich himself (always the bottom line), to punish his enemies that work to preserve the republic from this tin-horn dictator, and to keep out of the prison cell he has so richly earned. ‘Justice for all’ does not belong to them all.
“The saddest aspect of this malicious fraud lies in the historical reality that over 400,000 Americans died in World War II to preserve their homes from the same Orange fascist threats prevalent today. Like thousands of communities across the country, this one probably holds a solemn monument honoring the dozens if not hundreds of local citizens who sacrificed their lives on foreign soils to preserve an America made great by its rich history of diversity and tradition of personal freedom – not some false narrative perpetuated by self-serving grievances, of a return to a past that never existed . . . and thankfully never will.”
So, our Hope drove steadily on, optimistic that human goodness, decency, and practical wisdom would prevail at the ballot box even in so-called “Trump Country.”
Charles McAllister