Sheffield-Calahaln: Poplar Springs second open house; Chester’s Quilts sale

Published 8:37 am Thursday, December 9, 2021

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By Brenda Bailey

Birthday wishes to: Mary Bell Prevette on Dec. 10; Bobby Keller and Melba Feimster on Dec. 12; Mary Ann Swisher and David Allen on Dec. 13; and Tanner Atkins on Dec. 15. Happy anniversary to Randy and Amanda Keller who will celebrate on Dec. 14. If you would like a birthday or anniversary listed in this column, please let me know.
Chester Reeves of Chester’s Quilts will have a sale of quilts and throws Friday-Saturday, Dec. 10-11 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. He has a new selection of Christmas throws and quilts, pieced and quilted by him. The sale is at 247 Turkeyfoot Road. Contact him at 336-492-5837. The weather prediction for winter is cold, so check out his quilt selection.
The last chance to get those one-of-a-kind gifts is Saturday at the Christmas Open House at Poplar Springs. Vauda, Renee and others are there to help you with selections from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. There will be unique craft, vintage and repurposed items, and Vauda’s sourdough rolls and other baked goods. Poplar Springs is at 660 Ijames Church Road (between US 601 and Sheffield Road).
I was on the phone with a friend and her granddaughter was in the background asking Christmas jokes and riddles. I’m sure many have heard these, but these were a first for me.
• How do you wash your hands over the holiday? With Santa-tizer.
• What do you get when you combine a Christmas tree with an iPad? A pine-apple.
• What do you call an obnoxious reindeer? Rude-olph.
• Why did the Christmas tree go to the barber? It needed to be trimmed!
The NOW Committee at New Union UMC is selling raffle tickets for a large gift basket consisting of over $500 worth of merchandise, including a birdhouse condo, Christmas items, gift cards and more. Tickets are $1.each. The drawing will be Monday, Dec. 13. Contact Dawn at 336-492-5779. NOW stands for Nurture, Outreach and Witness, a committee that helps those in need.
A Christmas service will be Dec. 19 at the 11 a.m. service at Liberty Wesleyan, 2106 Sheffield Road, Harmony, followed by gifts and snacks.
On Christmas Eve at 6:30 p.m., join Ijames Baptist for an outdoor worship service at the stable to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There will be live characters, live animals, music featuring the Adult Choir and TeamKIDS, and a Christmas message from the pastor. There will be hot chocolate to drink and fire pits to sit near. If unable to stay outdoors, the sanctuary will be open showing the program on the big screen. Rain date will be Dec. 26 at 6:30 p.m.
Wesley Chapel UMC is selling TerriLynn nut products, pecan pieces and halves, mixed nuts, black walnuts, English walnuts, chocolate covered peanuts and raisins, sweet & salty mix and cranberry granola. All items are $12 per one pound bag. For more information or to purchase, contact Kathy at 336-830-5123.
Prayer requests continue for Bryan Swain, Jean Reavis, Johnny Naylor, Pat Moore, Deborah Nichols, Wellman Beck, Hazel Smoot, Tim Keller, Junior Dunn, Betty Dameron, Tammy Keller, Naomi Wooten, Jeff Potts, Charles England, Greta England, Lincoln Dyson, Bob Ellis, Chester Reeves, Hazel Frye, Yvonne Ijames, Bonnie Gunter, Ed Livengood, Jane Tutterow, Betty Beck, Sue Gobble, Caren Morgan, Helen Bulla, Joann Renegar, Rowan Fay, Paul Beck, Betty Richardson, Fred Beck, Juanita Keaton, Jerry McDaniel, and Suzonne Stratton.
Submit all news to me at, message me on Facebook or call me at 336-837-8122 no later than noon on Thursdays.