Civil Air Patrol open house Tuesday
Published 11:49 am Thursday, May 24, 2018
By Michael Herman
Civil Air Patrol,
Sugar Valley Squadron
The Sugar Valley Composite Squadron invites you to come and learn about opportunities available with the Civil Air Patrol at an open house on Tuesday, May 29 from 6-8:30 p.m. at the Sugar Valley Airport, 249 Gilbert Rd, Mocksville. There will be a hotdog cookout, displays, videos, flight simulators, and more. Senior members and cadets will be available to talk with guests about the opportunities in Civil Air Patrol.
The cadet program is intended for youth ages 12-18 who are interested in leadership, flying, aerospace activities, survival skills, search and rescue, and more. Cadets learn about and develop leadership skills. They have the chance to dive into the world of aerospace with activities like model rocketry, flying drones and work with flight simulators. Cadets also get the opportunity to learn emergency services skills such as are used in search and rescue operations, first aid, and survival in the wilderness.
Leadership training is an important part. Modeled after the Air Force training system, cadets wear Civil Air Patrol uniforms including the Air Force Blues, Battle Dress Uniform and Airman’s Battle Uniform. Advancement follows a military-like system based on work in the program, including physical fitness. Drill practice teaches leadership and followership, essential for learning to work together as a team. There are activities taking place throughout the state, region and nation available to cadets who make a commitment to the program.
For those cadets with an interest in aerospace and flying, there are opportunities to learn the basics of flying a powered aircraft and a glider through a series of orientation flights. The history of aviation and aerospace is an integral part of the training system and includes opportunities to learn about model rocketry, the use of flight simulators and even the emerging field of drone flying.
Another basic part of the program involves training in the skills used in emergency services. Civil Air Patrol is active in search and rescue operations, disaster relief, and associated services on the ground in the air. For cadets, these skills include learning basic survival skills, first aid training, orienteering (work with compass and map), radio communications and many other related activities.
If interested, visit the squadron at the upcoming open house on May 29. For more information, contact the cadet commander, C/1st Lt. Caleb Padiak at 336-936-8082 or via email at