County Line: Calvary Baptist makes donation in honor of fathers

Published 12:57 pm Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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By Shirley Thorne

County Line Correspondent

Today is June 20, the first day of summer. On very hot and humid days, stay hydrated and check on elderly folks living alone.

Society Baptist is collecting food for the South Yadkin Baptist Association Food Pantry through June.

Calvary Baptist will be collecting food for the South Yadkin Baptist Association Food Pantry and the Iredell Christian Food Ministry throughout July.     

Upcoming community events: fellowship cookout and games at 6 p.m. Sunday, June 30 at Society Baptist; and Vacation Bible School Monday, July 15-Wednesday, July 17 with kickoff 5-7 p.m. Sunday, July 14 at Society Baptist.

Our community sends happy-birthday wishes to Minnie Safley; who will be 92 Tuesday, June 25.  As a V-Point Ruritan, she was a regular helper at the senior adult bingo games and other events sponsored by the Ruritans. Minnie, all of us in County Line appreciate your service to our community and wish you a healthy and happy new year of life.

Our community extends sympathy to the family of Flora Ann Gaither Jordan; who died Friday, June 7. The oldest of four children, she was born in Iredell in 1941 to the late Roy Alexander Sr. and Mary Templeton Gaither of County Line.  She was reared on NC 901 near Rimrock Road and attended Clarksbury Methodist with her family. In 1959 Flora Ann graduated from Harmony High School; where she was a bus driver and an active member of FTA, 4-H, FHA, Glee, and Spanish clubs. She also graduated from Statesville Business College. In 1960 she married Eddie Lamar Jordan; the couple settled in Iredell near Statesville and reared children Brian and Marie.  The family joined in worship at Covenant ARP Church, where she held positions of leadership. Flora Ann was a licensed real estate broker and acquired Webb Realty Co., where she dealt in property management.  She was a leader in the Statesville Landlord Association, WoodmenLife, Board of Elections, and the Davis Hospital Volunteer Sunshine Girls.        A service celebrating her life was held Saturday afternoon at Covenant ARP. She was laid to rest in Oakwood Cemetery of Statesville beside her husband Lamar, who died August 1985.

We send get-well wishes to Ann Cline, who fell last Saturday and is at Clemmons Medical Center. Terry Wayne Dyson and Caleb Williams continue with medical treatments. A medical center in Cincinnati is willing to do the liver resection for Caleb, but they want to wait until August.

Join us in prayer for the Lord’s divine healing and comfort upon Ann, Terry Wayne, Caleb, and other residents having health problems. Pray that Caleb will be able to enjoy the summer with other teens.  Pray for the Lord’s blessings upon the family of Flora Ann as they miss her.

For news and memories to share, please call or text Shirley on 336-492-5115 or email Also, if you have not sent information regarding those graduating or  receiving a certificate of honor, award, or trade; text info to Shirley on 336-492-5115  or email as soon as possible.