Sheffield-Calahaln: Community supporting family that lost all in fire
Published 8:58 am Thursday, April 7, 2022
Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
By Brenda Bailey
Birthday wishes to: Helen Bulla on April 8; Rowan Fay and April Ottone on April 10; Jack Bailey on April 11; and Stephen Keller, Chris Wilson and Hazel Smoot on April 13. Happy anniversary to the following couples celebrating an anniversary on April 8: Andy and Brandi Drye and Paul and Betty Beck. If you would like a birthday or anniversary listed in this column, please let me know.
With music starting back for so many bands, I would like to hear from you. If you have a band, let me know upcoming events, and I’ll share with readers.
A family in our community lost everything on Monday the 28th due to a fire. We want to thank all the fire departments and EMS for their dedication and service to the community. Adam and Lisa Thomas have three young boys lost all their belongings and their beloved dog, Nova. If you can help in any way, please contact any firefighter at the Sheffield-Calahaln Fire Department or Lori at 980-244-9849 or via Facebook. Clothing sizes for the family are: Boys, shirt sizes 14, 12 and 10; pant sizes 14 slim, 12 slim and 10 slim; and shoe sizes 5.5, 6.5 and 3.5.; women shirt size medium, pant size 3 and shoe size 7; and men shirt size medium, pant size 28/30 and shoe size 9. Please keep this family in your prayers as they look for a new home and grieve their loss.
Center BBQ is Saturday for take-out only, by the pound only with slaw, dip and four buns.
Ijames Baptist is collecting canned goods for the NC Baptist Childrens Home, and collecting an offering for the North American Baptist Home Missions,
On Saturday, April 16 there will be a community-wide Easter Egg Hunt from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. for children ages 2 years through 5th grade at Ijames. Lunch will be provided. The church is at Sheffield and Ijames Church roads.
Easter Sunrise Service at Ijames Baptist will be at 7, breakfast at 7:30, Sunday School at 8:30 and worship service at 9:3. Everyone is welcome at all services.
J-Max McKee performed on Friday at West Rowan Grill. This Friday, John and Lynn Powell and Gaining Ground will perform. My thanks to Sue Clark for sending in the photo and to keeping everyone informed of local musician events.
New Union will host a COVID-19 vaccine clinic on Saturday, April 23 from noon-2 p.m. This clinic will be held alongside a hotdog lunch. Contact Jesse Teal at 336-542-7761.
The Men’s Group at New Union only has a few whole Boston Butts tickets left. The cost of $4 includes dip, and they can be picked up Saturday, April 16.Contact Gary at 336-345-3672.
Liberty Wesleyan members thank everyone who supported the yard sale.
Prayer requests continue for Bryan Swain, Jean Reavis, Johnny Naylor, Pat Moore, Hazel Smoot, Tim Keller, Junior Dunn, Betty Dameron, Tammy Keller, Naomi Wooten, Jeff Potts, Charles England, Greta England, Lincoln Dyson, Bob Ellis, Chester Reeves, Hazel Frye, Yvonne Ijames, Bonnie Gunter, Ed Livengood, Jane Tutterow, Milton Tutterow, Nancy Peacock, Geraldine Lambert, Betty Beck, Sue Gobble, Caren Morgan, Helen Bulla, Rowan Fay, Paul Beck, Betty Richardson, Fred Beck, Juanita Keaton, Jerry McDaniel, Yvonne Richardson and Suzonne Stratton. Our sincere condolences to the families of Nancy Redman, Paul Frye and Martha Smith.
Submit all news to, message on Facebook or call 336-837-8122 no later than noon on Thursdays.