Town reverses annexation decision

Published 9:32 am Thursday, August 16, 2018

Three Mocksville town board members reversed their decision to deny an annexation request for an apartment complex off Koontz Road.

At the August meeting, the annexation request passed 4-0 (Rob Taylor was not present.).

Board members Brent Ward, Amy Vaughan-Jones and Eric Southern reversed their decision from earlier this year. None made any comments about the issue during the public meeting.

Because of past town practices, the board had been told that even without an annexation, the apartment complex could be built. Because it needs town sewer services, if not annexed, the complex would have paid double the rate.

An agreement between the town and developers will have the town adding some $66,000 for pipe and pump system upgrades to the complex, allowing for more development in the Koontz Road/US 601 N. corridor.

Town Attorney Al Benshoff and engineer, Chuck Willis, recommended entering into the agreement with the developers.

After Vaughan-Jones started a discussion about the proposed make-up of a comprehensive plan committee last month, board members were asked to each come up with two names for the committee. She had said the original list had too many people from outside the city limits, and didn’t adequately represent minorities, the elderly or young people.

The board approved the list for the committee this month, that includes but is not limited to Heber Wentz, Alice Hanes, Diane Foster, Jenny Stevenson, Brandy Koontz, Brad Chapman, Regina Graham, Steven Walker, Alan Lakey and Carl Lambert.

Intern Brandon Edwards gave the board a detailed map of town streets, noting speed limits and inconsistencies between the town ordinance and posted signs.

Ward said he thinks an inventory of signs also needs to be made, and signs noting the speed limit should be on every street. According to the ordinance, the speed limit is 35 mph in town unless otherwise posted.

Board member Brian Williams said that 35 mph is too fast for some of the narrow residential streets.

They asked Edwards to complete a speed analysis study, especially on residential streets and on private development streets that are open for public use.

A public hearing will be held next month on Project Door, an expansion plan by a local company.

The company is applying for a $275,000 state grant, which requires a five percent local match. The town will pay the match, then be reimbursed by the Davie Economic Development Council.

The company agrees to invest $763,000 and create no fewer than 22 full-time jobs over the next two years.